Europeans love ccTLDs

According to the Global Domain Report, the market share of ccTLDs among European countries amounts to 61%.
A long-standing trend based on historical-cultural reasons, which leads the European market to prefer national TLDs to locate their presence on the internet.

- Simone Catania

CZ.NIC publishes 2020 domain name statistics

Like many other ccTLDs, the COVID-19 pandemic has provided an increase to the number of domain names registered in the .CZ extension.   According to CZ.NIC, the largest boost in 2020 being recorded during the periods March–June and October–December, which seem to coincide with the pandemic waves.   Most of .CZ domains were held by ...

There is more to Belgium than chocolate

DNS Belgium published a market survey which showed that 2020 saw a substantial increase in the number of .BE domain name registrations. These changes are directly linked to the COVID-19 pandemic and its lockdowns that have prompted a shift to online pastimes and other e-business opportunities. The market survey also revealed that the profile ...

Change brings new life to .PT

The Registry of .PT (Portugal) has updated its registration rules on 2 February 2021, making register .PT domain names more accessible: The disappearance of a number of second level extensions, including .EDU.PT and ORG.PT, among others, leaving only .PT, .COM.PT and .GOV.PT.  Two-character domain names no longer have special rules and will ...

Brexit and .fr domain names

Since the UK is no longer a member of the EU, from 1 January UK residents are no longer eligible for the .fr TLD or any of the other TLDs managed by Afnic.   As to those holders of domain names registered before 1 January 2021 and resident in the UK, they can keep the domain name, renew it and transfer it to an eligible new ...

We are back!

A fire at a French cloud services firm has caused 3.6 million websites to be taken offline.    According to internet monitors, the most affected country code top-level domain (ccTLD) was .fr, "which had 184,000 knocked-out websites spread across 59,600 distinct domain names —these account for 1.9% of all .fr domains in the world."

After Brexit: 81,000 UK-owned .eu domains suspended

Eurid, the registry manager of .eu domain names, has suspended .eu domain names registered by UK citizens as a result of Brexit. EU regulations stipulate that .eu websites cannot be allocated to non-EU citizens who are residing in a country that is not a member state. The UK owners now have to prove their right to run a .eu domain, which ...

New Rules for .AU Domain Names to Launch on 12 April 2021

Domain names that are registered or renewed will be subject to the updated eligibility criteria, including the criteria to have an ‘Australian’ presence.

Find out more about the changes here.

THNIC Launching “.th” SLD, the 1st Round of the Year 2021

THNIC Foundation is launching the “.th ” Second-Level Domain registration 1st round for 2021 on 1 February 2021. It will run to 31 March 2021. All proceeds from .th SLD domain name registrations and renewals will be allocated to fund projects that aim to THNIC Academy training projects and develop Internet infrastructures for public benefit ...

.CA is the 12th largest country-code top-level domain in the world!

CIRA announces that the organization now has more than 3 million .CA domains under management after the first .CA domain was registered. .CA domains have seen tremendous growth during the COVID-19 pandemic, as Canadians are seeking to support local business and embracing e-commerce like never before. With 3 million domains under management, ...

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