• Thursday, October 27, 2022

A company's domain name is one of its most valuable assets. In fact, your domain reflects the online identity of your company. Unfortunately, if your domain is not properly protected and maintained, there are countless ways for it to fall victim to cybercriminals. 

Consider what could occur if even a single email from your company falls into the wrong hands. Not to mention the repercussions if an unauthorised person gains access to your company's entire email system. Moreover, consider what would occur if your online store is compromised and all of your customer's personal information is stolen. No one, especially your customers, would desire that. And it will be extremely challenging to regain the trust of your customers once it has been lost. You must therefore protect your domain name from theft and hijacking. 

Everyone is responsible for maintaining the safety and security of the internet. On the one hand, domain name providers must contribute to the security of the network. However, you, as a domain owner, must also take steps to protect your domains and ensure the security of your online presence. 

And in the following section, I'll provide you with tips for protecting your domains! 

10 Steps to Securing Your Domain Name:

1. Use Registry Lock (if available); 

2. Select a reputable domain registrar that prioritises protection and security; 

3. Use STRONG and unique passwords; 

4. Update your passwords regularly; 

5. Use DNSSEC; 

6. Utilise multi-factor authentication for all transactions; 

7. Enable WHOIS security; 

8. Use SSL certificates; 

9. Never share your domain or hosting registrar login information; 

10. Watch out for phishing emails or scams.

Doing those things above on a regular basis will improve the security of your domain names. 

Do you want to learn more about new ccTLD possibilities and how to expand your business globally online? 

You can register your domain name with a ccTLD with Domgate.

For more information, contact us, and we will explain all the advantages of ccTLDs.


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