th rules

Image result for thailand flag

Rules for Thailand


Extension: .th
Country: Thailand
Region: Asia
[Local Presence]  
Local Presence required: Yes
Registration term: from 1 to 10 years
IDN: .ไทย
Domain length: 3- 63 characters
Registration processing time: 48 hours
Company registration or VAT number: No
Registrant indivdual or legal: is only for companies
Admin contact individual: No
Prior rights required: Yes (The registrant must be based in Thailand OR own a local TM OR a foreign TM & a legal local reprensatitve)
Application form: No
Renewal term: 1 year
Late renewal: D1 to D30
Restoration: D31 to D60
Early deletion: No
Procedure: form
Expiration date changes: +1 year
Unlock domain No
[Owner Change]  
Procedure: Please contact Domgate
Documents required: Yes
Registration date change: No


Documents required:
1-If based on local TM: Copy of local TM certificate.
2-If based on a foreign TM with local representative:
* copy of foreign TM certificate,
* copy of the local company certificate to justify its existence,
* copy of an Authorization Letter that certifies that the Thai company is a local representative company AND allows the Thai company to use foreign trademark's name as their domain name (the domain name must be specified within the letter). Said letter must be printed on company letterhead, signed by the managing director, it must specify its name and position and be stamped with company's seal.


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